Category Archives: Artikelen

Media trends 2023

It is the time of the year when there is a lot of talk about [...]

The perfect storm

No, dear advertiser, we are not going to talk about Captain Billy Tyne, aka Nespresso-George [...]

Focus on digital marketing

It’s still January, dear marketer, so… yes! But as you know, at fma, we are [...]

Top 10 media-tips 2022

End-of-year lists, they are like a virus… But since viruses have been an integral part [...]

Facebook, què pasa?

While Frances Haugen has probably become the face of Facebook’s misery in recent weeks, this [...]

Inventory media: blessing, curse or gimmick?

The media world is buzzing with all sorts of new trends: we had Google coming [...]

L’Oréal Benelux to OMD

After a recent media pitch, L’Oréal chose OMD in the Benelux. As fma, we are [...]

You should read this, dear advertiser…

We believe it’s one of the best documented and most relevant studies of recent years: [...]

Facebook… think again

They’re coming in faster than the Corona statistics. I’m talking about the doom and gloom [...]

You’re completely missing the point, dear marketeer!

As Bob Hoffman put it. He may be blunt, but he always hits the nail [...]